Reactive Group Solid State Disks Ltd SCSIFLASH Arraid, LLC SCSI SDD


SMD 8" Winchester Disk Drive Emulation

The EID-1 is a direct form, fit and function replacement for 8" Winchester disk drives that adhere to the industry standard, SMD-O and SMD-E interface protocols.

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These drives have been widely used on computer systems since the mid '80s. Fixed mounted with sealed media, these drives pushed the limits of disk design capability at the time, with capacity up to 2.5GB and transfer rate to 3MB/sec.

The EID-1 is based on Arraid's AEM-1, however, where the AEM-1 is designed to be a flexible, multi-purpose disk replacement with lots of options and advanced features, the EID-1 is fixed purpose with very limited options. Each EID-1 is programmed at the factory to replace a specific manufacturer and model number of 8" Winchester disk drive. This can not be changed by the Customer.

Contact Arraid today to learn more about new drive replacements for aging computer systems.


Features and Benefits

  • Easy to install. No hardware or software changes required, other than the drive itself.
    • Can replace or be added to existing drives.
  • Operating system, application and diagnostic software are supported as is.
  • Uses the existing power supply and control panel to reduce cost.
  • High reliability with near zero maintenance required.
    • Greater computer system availability with lower cost of ownership.
  • Options available on the original device, such as a dual-port interface, are also available in the EID.


For More Information

Get the EID-1 Data Sheet

Learn how the EID-1 replaces Winchester disk drives using Disk Drive Emulation.

Unable to determine if the EID-1 is right for your application? Contact us here or use Live Chat to speak with Arraid representatives.


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AZ 85027
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